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MLP4DSM Binding Procedure
1. Disconnect the fl ight battery from the quadcopter.
2. Center all trims on your transmitter.
3. Power off the transmitter and move the throttle stick to the down/off position.
4. Connect the fl ight battery in the quadcopter. The LED on the 4-in-1 control unit fl ashes red during
initialization, then fl ashes blue when it is ready to bind.
5. When the blue light is fl ashing, push in and hold down the left stick while powering on the transmitter
(you will hear a ‘click’).
6. Release the left stick. The transmitter will beep and the power LED will blink.
7. The quadcopter is bound when the LED on the 4-in-1 control unit is solid blue (not blinking).
8. Disconnect the fl ight battery and power the transmitter off.
If you encounter problems, obey binding instructions and refer to the troubleshooting guide for other
instructions. If needed, contact the appropriate Horizon Product Support offi ce. For a list of compatible DSM
transmitters, please visit www.bindnfl y.com.
Revolutionary SAFE™ (Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope) technology uses an innovative combination of multi-axis sensors
and software that allows model aircraft to know its position relative to the horizon. This spatial awareness is utilized to create
a controlled fl ight envelope the aircraft uses to maintain a safe region of bank and pitch angles so you can fl y more safely.
Far beyond stability, this level of protection offers multiple modes so the pilot can choose to develop his or her skills with a
greater degree of security and fl ight control that always feels crisp and responsive.
SAFE technology delivers:
• Flight envelope protection you can enable at the fl ip of a switch.
• Multiple modes let you adapt SAFE technology to your skill level instantly.
Best of all, sophisticated SAFE technology doesn’t require any work to enjoy. Every aircraft with SAFE installed is ready to use
and optimized to offer the best possible fl ight experience.