Instructions for Use

Problem Possible Cause Solution
LED on the receiver fl ashes
rapidly and the helicopter
will not respond to the
transmitter (after binding)
The bind plug was not removed
from the receiver after binding
Disconnect the  ight battery, remove the bind plug from
the receiver and reconnect the  ight battery.
Less than a 5-second wait
between  rst powering on the
transmitter and connecting the
ight battery to the helicopter
Leave the transmitter powered on. Disconnect and
reconnect the  ight battery to the helicopter
The helicopter is bound to a
different model memory
(ModelMatch™ transmitters only)
Select the correct model memory on the transmitter.
Disconnect and reconnect the  ight battery to the
Flight battery or transmitter
battery charge is too low
Replace or recharge batteries
Aircraft or transmitter is too close to
large metal object, wireless source
or another transmitter
Move aircraft and transmitter to another
location and attempt connecting again
Helicopter vibrates
or shakes in fl ight
Damaged rotor blades, spindle or
blade grips
Check main rotor blades and blade grips for cracks or
chips. Replace damaged parts. Replace bent spindle
Random movements
in fl ight
Verify the receiver is properly attached to the helicopter.
Inspect mounting tape for damage. Verify that no wires
are contacting the receiver. Inspect and balance all
rotating components. Verify the main shaft and tail rotor
adapter are not damaged or bent. Inspect mechanics for
broken or damaged parts and replace as necessary
Tail oscillation/wag
or poor performance
Damaged tail rotor, main gear
mesh, loose bolts, vibration
Verify that the boom support bolts are tight and the plastic
boom support ends are properly adhered to the boom
support rods. Inspect the tail rotor for damage. Verify that all
bolts on the tail assembly are properly tightened. Verify main
gear mesh and ensure no tight spots in the mesh through full
rotation. Replace any damaged or worn components
Drift in calm winds
Vibration, damaged linkage,
damaged servo
Under normal operation the transmitter trims should
not require adjustment and the center positions are
memorized during initialization. If you  nd that trim
adjustments are necessary after take off, verify the
balance of all rotating components, ensure the linkages
are not damaged and make sure the servos are in proper
working condition
Drift in wind Normal
The model will drift with the wind but should remain level
in  ight. Simply hold the cyclic stick in the necessary
position to keep the model stationary. The model must
lean into the wind to remain stationary, if the model
remains level then it will drift with the wind
Panic Recovery or Return
to Level does not level the
Model was not initialized on a level,
still surface
Re-initialize the model on a level and still surface
Model was not taken off of a level
Always lift off from a level surface
Severe vibration
Battery strapped too tightly
to the model
Loosen the battery strap
Rotating component out of
Check the main shaft, tail rotor, main rotor blades, main
frame and adapter for damage, replace as necessary.
Vibration must be minimized for Panic Recovery and
Return to Level functions to work properly