Operating instructions

The UBB comes from the factory with the following trim pot knob presets:
• Exhaust Fan: +/- 0
• Feed Rate: +/- 0
• Ash Dump Frequency: 1x
These initial settings are derived from Bixby testing and may not be optimal for your fuel. Outside air temperature, ash content,
fuel moisture content, mineral content, etc. all affect the burn characteristics. Therefore, additional adjustments may be required.
Use the following guidelines to assist in making adjustments specific to your environment and fuel:
When making adjustments, it is suggested that a note be kept of the adjustment and the effects on the flame. A good burning
flame will be yellow in color and very lively and the soot will be primarily white.
• Ash level is fairly consistent in the upper burn pot.
• Flame height is relatively steady.
• Flame is lively and yellow in color.
• Soot buildup on door and heat exchanger cover plates is primarily white.
• Ash and unburned fuel is slowly but evenly filling the upper burn pot.
• Flame is lazy and orange in color.
• Flame has black wisps of smoke coming from the flame tips.
• Black soot buildup on door and heat exchanger cover plates.
High unburned fuel height
prior to ash dump
Low & level ash height prior
to ash dump
 Turn feed rate down a single indicator mark and observe. After 30 minutes, observe and make additional adjustments
if necessary.