Warranty Agreement
Bird B Gone, Inc. (Manufacturer) warrants the Bird B Gone Polycarbonate Bird Pikes to be
free of manufacturer defects and defects caused by U.V. breakdown for a period of 5 years from
the date of purchase.
Warranty Coverage
Upon determination that the materials within the period of this warranty have failed Bird B
Gone, Inc. will repair or replace the defective product.
Warranty Exclusions
This warranty does not apply to any costs, repairs, or services for the following:
1. Service calls to correct the installation of the covered product or service calls to explain
the usage of the product to the buyer.
2. Repairs necessitated through use of these products for which they were not designed.
3. Costs associated with repair or re-installation.
4. Damage resulting from misuse, abuse, accidents, alterations, natural forces, third-party
damage, or improper installation.
How to obtain Warranty Service
The buyer must notify Bird B Gone, Inc. via telephone at 800-392-6915 or via email at
nobirds@birdbgone.com of any defect or malfunction within the warranty period. The buyer
will be required to provide proof of purchase and photos of the product for which the warranty
claim is being filed.
Ladies & Gentleman…The Birds Have Left The Building!™
23918 Skyline • Mission Viejo, CA 92692
800/ 392-6915 TEL: 949/ 472-3122 FAX: 949/ 472-3116
WEB SITE: www.birdbgone.com E-MAIL: nobirds@birdbgone.com