User's Guide

Siemens AG 2003, W:\ICM_MP_CCQ_S_UM\04FL00594 R66_USA_Ersterstellg\Work\SK66_FCC\SK65_SUG_en_FCC\
Switch on/off, PIN entry12
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 040607
left page (12) of SK65 SUG en, A31008-H4960-A1-1-7619 (22.07.2004, 17:35)
Switch on/off, PIN entry
Switching phone on/off
Press and hold the
On/Off/End key.
Entering the PIN
The SIM card can be protected with a
4to 8-digit PIN.
Enter the PIN using the
number keys. The charac-
appear to
ensure nobody can read
your PIN on the display.
Correct with
To confirm, press on the
control key. Logging on to
the network will take a
few seconds.
Emergency number
Only to be used in real emergencies!
By pressing the §SOS§ soft key you can
make an emergency call on any net-
work without a SIM card and without
entering a PIN (not available in all
Switching your phone on
for the first time
Set the clock correctly on a one-off
basis when getting started.
Press this key, then select
First enter the date
(day/month/year), then
the time (24 hours,
including seconds).
Press. The time and date
are updated.
Time zones
Set the time zone for your
Select a city in the desired
time zone.
§Options§ Use Set time zone to save.
Copy SIM addresses
The first time the SIM card is
inserted, the entries on it can be cop-
ied to the Addressbook. Please do not
interrupt this procedure. During this
time do not accept incoming calls. Fol-
low the instructions in the display.
You can also copy data from the SIM
card at a later time (p. 28).
Additional information
Change PIN.......................................p. 17
Clear SIM card barring ......................p. 18