User's Manual

Chat room68
© Siemens AG 2003, C:\Siemens\DTP-Satz\Produkte\C75_Aries_1\Output\FUG\C75_FUG_FCC_us-en_050608_te\
Template: X75, Version 2.2; VAR Language: am; VAR issue date: 050524
left page (68) of C75 FCC, us-en FUG am, (09.06.2005, 08:40)
Inst. Message with new contact
(page 71)
Select the contact.
C Start Inst. Message.
C Open editor.
Write text.
Send text …
... etc.
¢M¢Chat room¢Login
Select the last access to be used
(see also Automatic login: page 73).
Contact lists
When the connection has been es-
tablished, the contact list or the list
of the contact lists is shown for
In the contact list, you will find a list
of the most recently used contacts.
The first time you log in, an "empty"
contact list will be generated by the
server if necessary.
Displays in the list:
Displays of the online contacts for
the messages are available.
Online contacts with whom no con-
versation is being held at the moment.
Groups for Inst. Message with sever-
al contacts.
Contacts who are not online at