
Effective Date: 5/98
RDR 2000 Pilot's Guide: Rev 3
The third common source of
interference occurs when
another weather radar
system with similar charac-
teristics is transmitting in the
area. Figure 16 shows what
is displayed in this situation.
These are commonly
referred to as “rabbit tracks”.
Again, while the aircraft is on
the ground antenna tilt angle
adjustment will have little
effect, but once airborne
extreme tilt angle positions
will be more effective toward
removing this interference
from the display.
The fourth source of interfer-
ence, as shown in Figure 17,
is the result of another pulse-
type radar system operating
at a much higher transmis-
sion rate than the RDR 2000.
This type of spoke is nor-
mally 3 to 12 degrees wide in
the azimuth direction. The
same interference reduction
techniques described earlier
will also work well here.
Weather Radar Interference
Figure 17: Interference from Radar
with High Transmission Rate
Figure 16: Rabbit Tracks