User's Manual

Safet y
Precaut ions
Read these sim ple guidelines. Failure t o com ply
wit h them m ay be danger ous or illegal. For m ore
det ailed safety inform ation, see Safet y
I nform ation
Road sa fet y com es fir st
Do not use a hand- held phone while driving; park
the v ehicle first . Rem em ber t hat in som e
count ries, it is illegal to use a hand-held phone
while driving.
Sw it ch off w hen r e fue ling
Do not use t he phone at a refueling point
( serv ice stat ion) or near fuels or chem icals.
Sw it ch off in aircr a ft
Wireless phones can cause int erfer ence. Using
them on air cr aft is bot h illegal and dangerous.
Sw it ch off in hospit al
Follow any regulat ions or rules. Swit ch phone off
near m edical equipm ent .
Re spect spe cia l regulat ions
Follow any special r egulat ions in force in any
area and alw ays swit ch off your phone w henev er
it is forbidden t o use it , or w hen it m ay cause
interference or danger (in a hospit al for exam ple) .
I nt e r fere nce
All wireless phones m ay be subj ect t o radio
interference, w hich m ay affect t heir perform ance.
Use qua lifie d service
Only qualified service per sonnel m ust repair
equipm ent.
Use se nsibly
Use only in t he norm al posit ion (to ear). Do not
touch t he antenna unnecessarily w hen the phone
is swit ched on.
Em e r gen cy ca lls
Ensure t he phone is swit ched on and in service.
Ent er t he em ergency num ber ( 911 or another
official em er gency num ber) and press t he
key. Give your locat ion. Do not end the call until
told t o do so.
N on - I on izin g Ra dia t ion
No part of t he hum an body is allow ed t o com e
too close t o t he ant enna during operat ion of t he
equipm ent.
I MPORTAN T! Use only approved accessories
and batteries.
The use of any ot her power accessory w ill
invalidat e any approval or w arrant y applying t o
the phone, and m ay be danger ous.
When you disconnect the power cord of any
accessor y, grasp and pull the connect or, not t he
I n addition, you can obt ain t he following
accessor ies for y our phone fr om your local
Hands- fr ee car kit
Slim , Standard, and Extended Li-I on bat t eries
PC Synch Softwar e