Product Information

FBQ - Totally Feedback-Free
For more than 20 years, BEHRINGER has designed and manufactured some of the most successful
FBQ Feedback Elimination processors. Now you can own and enjoy the bene ts of this technology,
as we have integrated our revolutionary FBQ Feedback Detection System into this product,
so your sound system is completely feedback-free, allowing you to focus on your performance.
Utilizing an ultra-fast feedback detection system, this ingenious circuitry helps you recognize and
tame feedback frequencies immediately. When feedback is sensed in a speci c frequency range,
the LED on the associated EQ fader illuminates, showing you at a glance which fader to lower to
overcome the feedback. That simple!
Special Features…
The QX1832USB comes equipped with channel Inserts for inputs 1 – 4 for use with outboard FX,
a stereo 9-band graphic EQ, which can be assigned to the main or monitor buses and our proprietary
FBQ Feedback Detection System. Other features include full-sized faders for Monitor and FX Sends,
our XPQ 3D stereo surround e ect (creates a broader, enhanced stereo image), and a handy Voice
Canceller function for removing vocals from pre-recorded media for “instant-karaoke” applications.
Recording Bliss
There was a time when the recording process called for lots and lots of expensive gear, which meant
the average musician had to buy time at a recording studio – and that time was pricey indeed.
But modern technology has put personal recording well within the reach of virtually anyone with
access to a computer. How do you get all that music  ying around your brain into your computer?
That’s where the XENYX QX1832USB comes in. Thanks to the built-in, bi-directional stereo USB
audio interface, you can connect any of these mixers directly to your PC or Mac computer via a
single USB cable. Now any signal source you connect to the mixer can be recorded directly to your
hard drive. Which brings us to software…
Premium 18-Input 3/2-Bus Mixer with
XENYX Mic Preamps & Compressors,
KLARK TEKNIK Multi-FX Processor,
Wireless Option and USB/Audio Interface
Small Format Mixers
Product Information Document
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