Operation and Maintenance Manual

RDACS User’s Guide
August 2000
If the RebootOnScsiError variable is enabled (set to 1) and if (a) a fatal error occurs on
the SCSI to the RVP7 or if (b) the RVP7 does not seem to be responding, the RDACS
computer restarts. This allows the system to reset the SCSI hardware, and the RVP7 will
issue an internal reset when it detects that the SCSI interface is being initialized.
This option can be considered a watchdog on the RDACS/RVP7 interface, and it
normally should be enabled. If one of the described errors occurs, an entity is made in
the RDACSLog.txt file.
For this to be used in an unattended environment, the RDACS computer must be
configured to start RDACS (and any other desired applications) upon system boot. Also,
the RVP7 configuration item Respond to SCSI Reset (the RVPtty Mc command) should
be set to YES.
Before initiating reboot, RDACS creates the RebootRadPgm section in the rdacs.ini file.
This section contains the currently running scan program. It also contains the Active=1
variable, which lets RDACS know that it should run the scan program in the
RebootRadPgm section rather than the scan program in the RadPgm0 section.
DIOPort [Startup
Value Type: Integer, hexadecimal integer, or string.
Range/Units: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, I/O port address, or the string “PC17250’.
Default Value: Empty.
Change Dynamically? No, RDACS must be stopped.