
Temporary/permanent suspension of TWIN MODE
(BC-220i, BC-230i)
Baby Control Digital breathing monitor of BC-220i and BC-230i types for twinsmay also be used for only one baby. Before that
the device must be switched from the twin mode into one-baby mode. This meansa permanent switching from one mode to
another - not to be confused with a temporary suspension of the twin mode!
1. When switched o, press the on/o buon (1) and hold for approximately 30 seconds unl leers „S” - „E” appear.
Release the on/o buon (1).
2. The display shows alternang values „1” and „2”.
3. If you press the on/o buon (1) while „1” is displayed, Baby Control Digital breathing monitor will be set to the
one-baby mode and should be operated according to instrucons described above.
4. If you press the on/o buon (1) while „2” is displayed, the twin mode is set.
Temporary suspension of TWIN MODE
Baby Control Digital breathing monitor oers you the opon of temporary suspension of the twin mode in case that one
baby is sll sleeping, but the other had to be taken out of the bed for any reason.
1. For temporary suspension of the twin mode shortly press the on/o buon (1) once. This will cause the temporary
change to the one-baby mode.
2. The red ashing indicator light (6 or 7) on the side where the baby is not present warns you not to forget to change the
device back to the twin mode aer the second baby is returned to the bed on the sensor pad (11) connected into an
appropriate socket (9 or 10).
3. The twin mode is restored by shortly pressing the on/o buon (1) again.
IMPORTANT: Baby Control Digital breathing monitor is wholly independent of 230V network and operates
exclusively at low voltage. An electric shock is praccally impossible! The device does not generate or emit any
electromagnec or other radiaon. The use of the device is perfectly safe.
Technical specicaons of Baby Control Digital breathing monitor
(BC-200, BC-210, BC-230, BC-220i, BC-230i)
Baby Control Digital 14