Instruction manual

Oscilloscope and EKG sensor
Equipment DataStudio, BK Precision model 2530B oscilloscope, function generator, 2-3 foot
coax cable with male BNC connectors, BNC to female banana adapter, 1 voltage sensor, EKG
sensor, EKG Sensor Electrode Patches
Remark The oscilloscope is a difficult instrument to understand, but it is also a very impor-
tant instrument. Studying this write-up carefully before the lab will be worthwhile. This
lab cannot be approached casually. The basics of a heart rate meter is an oscilloscope and
you will be using an EKG sensor to monitor your heart rate.
1 Introduction
The standard instrument for examining time dependent voltages in a circuit is the oscillo-
scope, or “scope” for short. Even if you are doing a DC experiment it is a good idea to
look at the circuit with a scope. You might find a large AC signal symmetric with respect
to ground that does not show up on DC instruments but is affecting your experiment in
undesirable ways, such as overloading a sensitive amplifier. Oscilloscopes are ubiquitous in
the medical profession. They are seen next to hospital beds showing the electrical output of
a heart. They are used extensively in operating rooms.
A voltage which depends on time can be drawn on graph paper with the voltage on the
vertical axis and the time on the horizontal axis. If the voltage is periodic (repeats itself
after one cycle) an oscilloscope will present a similar curve. By adjusting the scope it is
possible to display part of one cycle or many cycles of the waveform. Properties of a periodic
voltage, such as shape, peak-to-peak amplitude and period, can be measured. Scopes have
other uses, but these are the primary subjects of this lab.
The oscilloscope is a sophisticated instrument. Competent use depends on understanding
how this instrument works. It is often necessary to consult the instruction manual for a
particular scope in order to use it effectively. The basic ideas are usually the same but are
implemented in different ways.
In this lab you will become familiar with 2 oscilloscopes, the model 2530B made by
BK Precision, and the DataStudio scope. Both these instruments do very much the same
thing except that the controls on the BK are mostly knobs and switches and those on the
DataStudio are icons and buttons. The DataStudio scope is digital. The input waveform is
digitized and stored, at least for a while.
In the last section of the lab you will be using an EKG sensor. An EKG sensor monitors
your heart rate by measuring the distribution of dipoles in the heart. The EKG sensor will
be used in conjunction with the oscilloscope to see your heart cycle as a function time. You
will determine the time of your P, Q, R, S, T cardiac cycle. Each letter represents the wave
function of your heart. The P wave is the initial pulse and that goes through the atrial
muscle. The Q, R, S is the electrical waveform in the ventricular muscle The Q wave is
down, R is up and the S is down. The last part is the T wave form. It represents the
repolarization of the ventricles.

Summary of content (13 pages)