User's Manual

Phonebook settings : you can do the following:
1. Preferred storage: Select priority storage location for a new contact.
2. Speed dial: Set speed dial from phonebook, and you can dial the
contact by press and a number of key in standby mode.
3. My number: Set personal business cards and send.
4. Extra numbers: Use the menu to view the other numbers stored in
the SIM card or in phone.
5. Memory status: View memory status about phone and card.
6. Copy contacts: Use the menu to copy all records between the SIM
card and the phone.
7. Move contacts: Use the menu to move all records between the SIM
card and the phone.
8. Delete all contacts: Use the menu to delete records from the SIM
card or phone.
Note: This phone can store 1000 phone numbers.
4.6 Portal ideas
It Connects to a web site .
4.7 Call log
1. Call history
SIM call history
1) Missed Calls: click OK to see missed calls list
2) Dialled Calls: click OK to see dialled calls list
3) Received Calls: click OK to see received calls list
In the misseddialedreceived calls interface, press [ok key] to view
the details: Type ,Number ,call time ,Call duration,times of call. Press
options to operate the following: view,call,send message, save to