User Manual

Core Avid Audio Plug-Ins
Gain Reduction meter
Indicates the amount the input signal is attenuated (in dB) and shows different
colors during dynamics processing.
Light orange indicates that gain reduction is within the “knee” and has not
reached the full ratio of compression
Dark orange indicates that gain reduction is being applied at the full ratio (for
example, 2:1)
Graph display Shows a curve that represents the level of the input signal (on the x–axis) and the
level of the output signal (on the y–axis). The orange vertical line represents the
threshold. Use this graph as a visual guideline to see how much dynamics
processing you are applying.
Options panel
Look Ahead button Normally, dynamics processing begins when the level of the input signal crosses the
threshold. When this button is enabled, dynamics processing begins 2 milliseconds
before the level of the input signal crosses the threshold.
The Look Ahead control is useful for avoiding the loss of transients that may have
been otherwise cut off or trimmed in a signal.
Side-Chain panel The side-chain is the split-off signal used by the plug-in’s detector to trigger
dynamics processing. The Side-Chain panel lets you toggle the side-chain between
the internal input signal or an external key input, and tailor the equalization of the
side-chain signal so that the triggering of dynamics processing becomes
For full information on how to work with the side-chain controls, see “Using the
Side-Chain Input in Dynamics III” in the Avid DigiRack Plug-Ins Guide. Search for
“digirack plug-ins guide” at
Expander/Gate panel (EXP/GATE)
Range Sets the depth of the Expander/Gate when closed. Setting the gate to higher range
levels allows more and more of the gated audio that falls below the threshold to
peek through the gate at all times. Values range from -80 dB (lowest depth) to 0 dB
(highest depth).
Ratio Sets the amount of expansion. For example, if this is set to 2:1, it will lower signals
below the threshold by one half. At higher ratio levels (such as 30:1 or 40:1) the
Expander/Gate functions like a gate by cutting off signals that fall below the
threshold. As you adjust the ratio control, refer to the built-in graph to see how the
shape of the expansion curve changes. Values range from 1:1 (no expansion) to
100:1 (gating).
Parameter Description