User Manual

Using the 002 and the Command|8
Configuring the Command|8
Before you configure your Command|8 with your Avid editing application, install and configure
the device as described in the documentation that comes with Command|8.
You must start Command|8 before you start your Avid editing application. If you start your Avid
editing application when the controller is turned off, you must exit your Avid editing application,
turn the controller on, and then start your Avid editing application.
To set the correct ports in the Controller Settings dialog box.
1. Connect the 002 (Windows only) or Command|8 to your Avid editing system and turn on the
2. Start your Avid editing application.
3. Click the Settings tab in the Project window.
4. Double-click Controller Settings.
The Controller Settings dialog box opens. The Controller menu, Port menu, and Edit
Settings button apply to the control surface. For Windows systems, you can use either an 002
or a Command|8. For Macintosh systems, you can use a Command|8. The Gain Controller
Port applies to any controller that you connect for volume automation or pan recording.
5. From the Controller menu, select one of the following:
t 002 Controller (Windows only)
t Command|8
6. From the Port menu, select one of the following:
t Windows - “002 Control Port” or “C|8 Surface”
t Macintosh - Command|8 Port 1
7. From the Gain Controller Port menu, select a controller for volume automation or pan
The Gain Controller Port menu displays all COM or MIDI ports that are available on the
8. (Option) Click Edit Settings to view or modify the button assignments.
Mapping Buttons and Menu Commands for the Avid 002 or Command|8
On Windows systems, you can map the buttons in the 002 Controller Settings dialog box to
buttons on the Command palette and to menu commands.