User Manual

Using the Audio EQ Tool
To see the parameter values of one of the EQ templates that cannot be edited, view the Console
window after you apply the effect. For more information, see “Using The Console Window” on
page 115.
If you create an EQ effect, you can use it again as a template in another sequence or on another
Your Avid editing application stores predefined EQ templates in a special bin named
Site_EQs_Bin.avb. You can add your own EQ templates to the Audio EQ Tool Fast menu by
storing your EQ templates in the same bin as the predefined templates.
To apply an EQ template from the Audio EQ Tool Fast menu:
1. Move the position indicator to the audio clip in the Timeline.
2. Click the Audio EQ Tool Fast Menu button, and select the template.
Your Avid editing application places the EQ effect on the audio clip.
To create your own EQ effect template:
1. Drag the effect icon from the Audio EQ tool to a bin.
Your Avid editing application creates an EQ effect in the bin.
2. Rename the template by clicking the text and typing a new name.
To add an EQ template to Site_EQs_Bin:
1. Open the bin containing your EQ templates.
2. Select File > Open Bin.
A dialog box opens.
3. Navigate to the bin named Site_EQs_Bin.avb in one of the following locations:
(Windows) drive:\Program Files\Avid\Avid editing application\
(Macintosh) Macintosh HD/Applications/Avid editing application/
4. Double-click the Site_EQs_Bin.avb file.
The Site_EQs_Bin window opens.
5. Drag one of your EQ templates into the Site_EQs_Bin window.
6. Name the template by clicking the text and typing a name.
7. Close the bin.
Your Avid editing application does not save the effect to the bin until you close the bin.
8. Click the Audio EQ Tool Fast Menu button, and look for your new template.