User Manual

Using the Usage Tab
For some project formats, the Project Type list lets you change the format of the project to
another format that shares the same frame rate. For example, if you are working in a 1080i/59.94
HD project, you can change the project format to 30i NTSC.
If you switch from one project type, aspect ratio, color space, or raster dimension to another
during the course of your workflow, you might create precomputed clips that have not rendered
with the quality that you need for your final output. You might need to manually purge the
precomputed clips and re-render effects. For more information, see “Ensuring the Quality Level
of Precomputed Clips” in the Help.
For 24p PAL projects, the Format tab shows the audio transfer rate you selected when you
created the project. The actual audio transfer rate might be different from the display if you used
the Film and 24P Settings dialog box to change the audio transfer rate.
To open the Format tab:
t Click the Format tab.
Using the Usage Tab
The Statistics feature gathers and reports information on system usage. You can use this
information to support business functions such as resource management.
All statistics are gathered and reported by project. The file that contains this information is
formatted so you can use it as input to software programs such as analysis applications,
spreadsheets, or report generators.
Do not rely on the Statistics feature for billing or other financial purposes.