User Manual

Finding Clips and Script
To delete a script mark:
1. Click once on a script mark to select it.
You can select multiple script marks for removal by highlighting an entire region of text and
selecting the takes containing the script marks you want to remove.
2. Press the Delete key.
The Delete dialog box opens.
3. Select Delete 1 mark(s), and click OK.
The mark is deleted.
Finding Clips and Script
After you place script marks, which synchronize lines in the Script window to frames in the
source clips, you can use the Find Script or Find Bin buttons to search back and forth between
the two items.
To find the script linked to a loaded clip:
1. Place the position indicator in the clip at the line of dialog (or within a range of dialog) that
you want to find.
2. Click the Find Script button in the Other tab of the Command palette.
The Script window scrolls to and highlights the portion of script that most closely matches
the clip location.
To find source clips and bins:
1. Select the takes that you want to find.
2. Click the Find Bin button in the Script window toolbar.
Your Avid editing application searches through bins linked to the project, opens the bin
containing the linked clips, and highlights them in the bin.