User Manual

Mixing Frame Sizes and Aspect Ratios
Effect Templates and Mixed Rate Material
You can use effect templates that you save in bins with clips of all frame rates and in sequences
of any project type. When you apply a template, your Avid editing application adjusts keyframes
if necessary to account for differences in frame rate.
Dynamic Relink and Mixed Rate Material
You can enable the Dynamic Relink feature to work with mixed rate clips. However, Dynamic
Relink behaves slightly differently when it operates on clips that do not match the frame rate of
the project. For more information, see “Using Dynamic Relink with Mixed Rate Clips” on
page 1272.
Motion adapters do not conform in versions of Avid DS prior to version 10.3. You cannot
play or adjust mixed rate material in these versions. Do not include mixed rate clips in
sequences that you intend to finish on an Avid DS system running an older version of Avid
DS than version 10.3.
Mixing Frame Sizes and Aspect Ratios
You can work with media of different frame sizes, aspect ratios, and pixel aspect ratios in the
same sequence. For example, you can mix SD 4:3, HD 16:9, and film formats.
How Your Avid Editing Application Reformats Clips in Sequences
Your Avid editing application reformats a clip in a sequence when the aspect ratio, pixel aspect
ratio, or frame size of the clip do not match those of the project. Your Avid editing application
automatically resizes and repositions these clips to match the project’s format settings.
You need to ensure that your project’s format settings are set correctly so that clips are
reformatted properly. For more information, see “Creating a New Project” on page 50 and
“Changing the Aspect Ratio for a Project” on page 597.
When you change a format setting, for example, the aspect ratio for an SD project, all clips
currently edited in a sequence immediately adapt to the new format. You do not need to re-edit
any clips in your sequences. When you next view the sequence, you see any changes to the size
and position of clips.
By default, your Avid editing application reformats clips to fill the frame by stretching. You can
set other reformatting options by changing the Reformat attribute for that clip in the bin. For
more information, see “Modifying the Reformat Attribute for a Clip” on page 598.