User Manual

Relinking Media Files
3. Select options.
Option Description
Relink selected items to:
Media on drive: All Available Drives: Searches across all media drives that
are online
A specific drive volume: Relinks to media on a specific
media drive
Master clips Relinks master clips to the appropriate media
All other items Relinks non-master clips (sequences, subclips, group clips,
and other clips) to the appropriate media
Relink only to media from the
current project
Restricts relinking to the current project.
Selected items in ALL open
Allows you to select multiple clips across multiple bins.
Allow relinking to offline items Allow relinking to offline elements: Relinks to clips that are
offline. All available drives are searched regardless of the
setting for “Relink to media on volume.
Relink by:
Timecode Allows you to relink to Start, Aux TC1-TC5, or Sound
Source Name Allows you to relink to a number of relink options:Tape
Name or a Source File ID, Tape Name or Source File Name,
Keynumber, Name, Camroll, Labroll, Disk Label, More.
Click the More option to see the list of additional column
name options.
Ignore extension If selected, the system compares names and ignores
extensions (for example, File1.jpeg can be relinked to
Ignore characters after last
Select this option to have the system ignore the characters in
the name after the last occurrence of the text you enter.
Match case when comparing
tape and source file names
Makes tape name and source file name search case sensitive.