User Manual

Alternate Source Capture
For more information and additional steps to batch capture, see “Preparing for Capture” on
page 159 and “Batch Capturing Clips” on page 241.
To batch capture with an alternate source:
1. In a bin, select the clips you want to batch capture.
2. Select Tools > Capture to open the Capture tool.
The Capture Tool opens.
3. Open the bin that stores the clips you want to batch capture.
4. Select the clips to batch capture:
5. Select Clip > Batch Capture.
The Batch Capture dialog box opens.
6. Under the Alternate Source Options (Advanced), select the type of timecode from the
Timecode Column menu that you want to batch capture from.
Options depend on your project type. Timecode options can include: Start, Auxiliary TC1-
TC5, Sound TC.
If you choose a timecode other than Start, a message displays informing you that an
Alternate Source is enabled.
7. Select the tape source from the Source Column menu that you want to batch capture from.
Options depend on your project type and custom columns. Tape options can include: Tape,
Camroll, Labroll, Soundroll, Custom Tape.
To set the Timecode Column and Source Column menu selections back to the defaults (Start and
Tape), click Reset.
8. Click OK.
If any clips you select do not have the alternate source options you selected (for example, a
clip does not have an Auxiliary timecode), a message displays and asks you if you want to
skip those clips. Click Continue to continue with the batch process and skip those clips.
9. A message opens and asks you to mount the (alternate) tape.
You can choose to mount the tape or skip this particular clip.
10. Load the tape into the tape deck and click Mounted.
The deck rolls to the alternate source timecode and begins the capture process.
Your Avid editing application captures each clip from the alternate source timecode and