User Manual

Preparing to Capture Video
NTSC (top) and PAL waveform values in the Video Input tool. NTSC values are measured in IRE, with the
white level at 100 IRE (digital 235), the black level at 7.5 IRE (digital 16), and the 75% white level at 77 IRE
(digital 180, the horizontal dotted line in the display). For NTSC-EIAJ, the black level falls at 0 IRE. PAL values
are measured in volts, with the white level at 1 V (digital 235) and the black level at 0.3 V (digital 16). The Line
slider controls appear below the waveform display.
8. Adjust the Line slider located below the Waveform monitor to display the appropriate line of
the test pattern, then adjust the luminance values as described in “Luminance Settings for
Video Input” on page 218.
9. Open the Vectorscope monitor by clicking the Vectorscope Monitor button.
10. Adjust the Line slider to display the signal for color bars at around line 150 (this applies to
all formats and all types of bars).
To switch between a display of perfectly calibrated bars and your input signal while making
adjustments, press and release the Shift key.