User Manual

adjustment, bypassing 811
centering 812
default settings 811
modifying values 797
viewing automation pan values 775
Pan and gain automation display (Timeline) 772
Pan automation 813
Panasonic P2
exporting sequences to 1034
importing master clips 316, 316
transferring files 380
workflow 404, 408
Parametric midrange in Audio EQtool 839
Partially online clips
consolidating and deleting original media 1286
restoring from an archive 1260, 1286
viewing source in Timeline 1285
Passthrough Mix tool
using 206
See Copying
text in the Script window 632
tracks 713
when capturing to the Timeline 266
Pause button 508
PCX file format
import specifications for 1452
Peak Hold menu (Audio tool) 204
digital audio scrub 771
Phantom marks 620
Phantom Marks options (Composer settings) 1367, 1367
Phase controls
adjusting for output 1050
PhaseScope AudioSuite plug-in 989
Phonetic indexing
using to link clips with script 650
Phonetic search 555, 567
Photo CD file format
import specifications for 1452
Photoshop file format
additional export options for 1402
import specifications for 1453
Photoshop files
importing multilayered 295
importing single-layer 298
PhraseFind 555, 567
15-day trial 557
activating 555
selecting a language 567
PICS file format
brief description 1456
PICT file format
additional export options for 1402
import specifications for 1453
PICT files
of bars, importing 300
Picture quality
ensuring by calibrating input levels 214
Pin button (Interplay Window) 1188, 1193
Ping-Pong Delay AudioSuite plug-in 992
Pitch Shift AudioSuite plug-in 992
Pixar file format
import specifications for 1453
Pixel aspect ratio 1451
square and non-square for import 1451
Play button 508
Play button (Script window) 642
Play Calibration Tone command (Peak Hold menu in
Audio tool) 1053, 1054, 1060
Play Delay, adjusting 501
Play Digital Cut button (Digital Cut tool) 1066, 1070
Play IN to OUT button 605
Play Loop button 746
Play Reverse button 508
Play Standby button 508
changing speed of 512
controlling with buttons 508
controlling with position bars and indicator 506
full screen 500
improving performance of 606
improving performance of (storage management)
limitations on multicamera media 1301
loop, starting 605
loop, trim during 748
optimizing 516
with audio scrub 768
with DV devices 514
Playback control