User Manual

Considerations for Managing Storage
Estimated Storage Requirements: MPEG
This table does not include estimated storage requirements for audio.
Considerations for Managing Storage
Maximizing Drive Space
If your media drive space is limited or you are capturing a large amount of source material,
follow these suggestions to maximize your usage of the media drive space:
Capture only the audio channels required for the edit.
Log in advance. Batch capture only the footage required for the edit.
Capture at a lower resolution for editing. Recapture only the clips included in the final cut at
a higher resolution.
For more information on batch capturing and recapturing, see “Batch Capturing from Logged
Clips” on page 239.
(NTSC and PAL)
Minutes Per
Drive Space
Needed for
1 Minute of
Drive Space
Needed for
10 Minutes
of Media
Drive Space
Needed for
30 Minutes
of Media
DV 25 5.0 200 MB 2.0 GB 6.0 GB
DV 50 2.5 400 MB 4.0 GB 12.0 GB
DVCPRO HD 1.2 800 MB 8.0 GB 24.0 GB
(NTSC and PAL)
Minutes Per
Drive Space
Needed for
1 Minute of
Drive Space
Needed for
10 Minutes
of Media
Drive Space
Needed for
30 Minutes
of Media
MPEG 30 4.7 210 MB 2.1 GB 6.3 GB
MPEG 40 3.6 280 MB 2.8 GB 8.4 GB
MPEG 50 2.9 350 MB 3.5 GB 10.5 GB