User Manual

Export Settings
Export Settings: QuickTime Movie Export Options
Add Shares for
Media Drives
When this option is selected, your Avid editing application creates a new drive share for
referenced media files stored on unshared network drives. The drive share is hidden, so other
users do not see the shared drive when browsing your computer. You do not need to select
this option when media is stored on the same drive as the QuickTime reference movie.
Use Avid DV
Deselect this option when you are working in a cooperative environment where one or more
non-Avid systems also have access to the media. This option is selected by default. Select
this option if the non-Avid systems have the Avid DV Codec.
Color Levels Select this option to set the color to either RGB or 601/709.
Option Description
Use Marks, Use
Enabled Tracks
See “Use Marks and Use Enabled Tracks Options” on page 1384.
Same as Source When you select this option, your Avid editing application copies the media files directly
with no resolution change. This method is fast and creates output that uses the same
quality as your source files. This is the best method to use if you plan to process the video
on another system, using a third-party application like After Effects
or media cleaner
Deselect the Use Avid DV Codec suboption when you are working in a cooperative
environment where one or more non-Avid systems also have access to the media. This
option is selected by default.
If you export DV media from a 24p or 23.976 project using Same as Source, you
must use the Avid DV Codec to ensure the QuickTime movies retain all of the
progressive information. If you do not use the Avid DV Codec, your Avid editing
application treats movies as interlaced sources when you re-import them.
Custom When you select this option, your Avid editing application decompresses the files,
processes them, and compresses the files at the requested resolution and audio format.
This method is slower and often loses quality. Use this option only if you have to directly
export a clip or sequence in a particular file format.
Format Options This option appears when you select Custom. It opens the Movie Settings dialog box to let
you set further QuickTime options, including options for changing the codec
(compressor/decompressor) used for compression. For more information, see “Export
Settings: QuickTime Movie Settings” on page 1392.
Option Description