User Manual

Using the Interplay Central Messages Window
3. In the address text box at the top of the Messages pane, start typing the name of the recipient
for your message.
A list of Interplay Central users displays as you type.
Online users are indicated by a green dot next to the name. A red dot indicates an offline
If you type an invalid name, the name changes to red and you receive an error message. You can
only send messages to recipients on the Interplay Central user list.
4. Select a name from the list or complete the name by typing it in the address box.
You can add multiple names to the address box.
If you type an invalid name, the name changes to red and you receive an error message. Type
the name again or select a name from the list of Interplay Central users that displays when
you start typing in the address text box.
5. If you want to share a media asset, click a clip in a bin and drag it to the asset area of the
A head frame of video clip or a clip icon for an audio clip displays in the message, along
with metadata describing the asset.
You can remove the clip by clicking the Remove button in the asset area.