User Manual

Guidelines for Exporting OMFI and AAF Files
When you export audio to OMFI, the export option splits stereo audio tracks to separate mono
tracks (for more information, see “Splitting Multichannel Tracks to Mono Tracks” on page 837).
The operation also removes any Real-Time AudioSuite track effects.
To avoid errors and incompatibilities when you import and export OMFI files, observe the
recommendations in “File Format Specifications” on page 1451.
You cannot export OMFI files that are larger than 2 GB. If you exceed this limit, an error
message appears. For information on exporting large sequences, see “Preparing to Export a
Sequence” on page 1007.
Understanding Advanced Authoring Format
Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), is a cross-platform, multimedia file format that allows
interchange of media and composition information between AAF-compliant applications.
There are two general types of data in an AAF file:
Media such as audio and video
Composition information, or metadata, that describes how to combine and modify the media
portions of the AAF file to produce a complete multimedia program
When you export sequences with effects through AAF, certain effect types are not exported to the
AAF file. When you check compositions into an asset manager through AAF, all effects are
exported. For export to Avid DS, use AFE files. See “Exporting Projects and Bins Using AFE
Files (Windows Only)” on page 1022.
When you export audio to AAF, the export option splits stereo audio tracks to separate mono
tracks (for more information, see “Splitting Multichannel Tracks to Mono Tracks” on page 837).
The operation also removes any Real-Time AudioSuite track effects.
OMFI and AAF Export Method 1: Compositions with Linked Media
Avid editing applications can export an OMFI or an AAF file that contains only the editing
information about a selected master clip or sequence. The file also contains links to the media
used in the clip or sequence. You transfer the OMFI or AAF file to the other system, and also
either transfer the media files or recapture the media. After you transfer or recapture the media,
you can transfer revised composition-only files. However, if you consolidate the media, you must
transport the consolidated media files as well. You can consolidate media during the export (see
“Export Settings: OMFI, AAF, and AFE” on page 1385), or before the export (see Consolidating