
Sample Configuration File on MOS Gateway Servers
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The handlesEmptyStories element specifies whether this device accepts -->
<!-- a roStoryInsert message that contains no item. -->
<!-- -->
<!--The handlesRoStoryMoveMultiple element specifies whether this device -->
<!--supports the roStoryMoveMultiple message. The router defaults to YES. -->
<!--Valid settings are YES or NO -->
<!-- -->
<!--The handlesRoItemLevelCommands element specifies whether this device -->
<!--supports roItemInsert, roItemDelete and roItemReplace.The router defaults-->
<!--to YES. Valid settings are YES or NO -->
<!-- -->
<!-- If YES then the stories page number from NRCS is prepended to the story -->
<!-- slug. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The character seperator used between the page number and the story slug.-->
<!-- -->
<!--The character string which is used in place of an empty page number.-->
<prependStringForEmptyPageNumber>NO PAGE</prependStringForEmptyPageNumber>
<!-- -->
<!--The statusTranslations element defines the status strings that correspond-->
<!--to the various NRCS status codes. This allows the MOS Gateway to translate-->
<!--the roItemStatus messages received from a MOS into status codes that NRCS-->
<!--can recognize and display. -->
<statusUnavailable>NOT READY</statusUnavailable>
<statusUnavailable>POST ROLL</statusUnavailable>