
Chapter 2: HD MADI Overview 7
Sample Rate Convert
HD MADI provides real-time sample rate
conversion on Input or Output. Sample Rate
Convert (SRC) is configured in the Pro Tools
Hardware Setup dialog (Setup > Hardware).
Input Indicates HD MADI Sample Rate Convert
on Input is active.
Output Indicates HD MADI Sample Rate Convert
on Output is active.
AES/EBU Indicates that AES/EBU is being used
as the clock source for the MADI ports when us-
ing Sample Rate Conversion (SRC). If AES/EBU is
selected as the Clock Source for Sample Rate
Conversion in the Hardware Setup dialog, but
no valid word clock is detected, the AES/EBU
LED blinks on and off until a valid clock source
is selected.
Word Clock Indicates that the dedicated (SRC)
Word Clock ports are being used as the clock
source for the MADI ports when using Sample
Rate Conversion (SRC). If Word Clock is selected
as the external sync format for Sample Rate Con-
vert in the Hardware Setup dialog, but no valid
word clock is detected, the AES/EBU LED blinks
on and off until a valid clock source is selected.
Signal Present
The Signal Present LEDs indicate signal for Input
and Output. The top LED indicates input and
the bottom LED indicates output.
Input Lights when signal is being passed to
Pro Tools from the MADI input ports.
Output Lights when signal is being passed from
Pro Tools to the MADI output ports.