
we realize that true audio/video optimization is never a matter of any one secret or exotic circuit. When it comes to
noise dissipation for AC power, many approaches can yield meaningful results. However, these approaches may
also impart ringing, current compression, and non-linear distortions that can render the cure worse than the disease.
The Niagara 7000 uses our patented AC Ground Noise-Dissipation System, the world’s rst Dielectric-Biased AC
Isolation Transformers, and the widest bandwidth-linearized noise-dissipation circuit in the industry. Our unique
passive/active Transient Power Correction Circuit features an instantaneous current reservoir of over 90 amps peak,
specically designed for modern current-starved power ampliers. Most AC power products featuring “high-current
outlets” merely minimize current compression; the Niagara 7000 corrects it.
Though it’s easy to boast, its quite another thing to create a solution that is consistent, holistic, functional, and
that honors veriable science. It’s not enough to reduce AC line noise and its associated distortions at just one
octave, thus leaving vulnerable the adjacent octaves and octave partials to noise, resonant peaking, or insucient
noise reduction. Consistency is key. We should never accept superior resolution in one octave, only to suer from
masking eects a half-octave away and ringing artifacts two octaves from there. This is the principal criterion for
AudioQuest’s Low-Z Power Noise-Dissipation System.
The Niagara 7000 represents over 20 years of exhaustive research and proven AC power products designed
for audiophiles, broadcast engineers, and professional-audio applications. Every conceivable detail has been
addressed: In the Niagara 7000, you’ll nd optimized radio-frequency lead directionality, run-in capacitor forming
technologies developed by Jet Propulsion Laboratories and NASA, and AC inlet and outlet contacts with heavy
silver plating over extreme-purity copper, assuring the tightest grip possible.
A great system is built from a solid foundation, and that foundation starts with power. With an AudioQuest Niagara
7000, you’ll experience for the rst time the clarity, dimensionality, frequency extension, dynamic contrast, and
grip your system has always been capable of delivering—if only the power had been right!
We welcome you to experience the Niagara 7000 and hear rsthand the remarkable results of highly optimized
power management: startlingly deep silences, stunning dynamic freedom, outstanding retrieval of ambience
cues, and gorgeous delineation of instruments and musicians in space. Once you’ve experienced it, it may seem
so elegant, so logical, and so easy that you nd yourself wondering why it hadn’t been done before.
—Garth Powell, Director of Power Products, Engineering, AudioQuest