User Manual

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Hardware Features
Hardware Features
Mic Pres
Sono also oers two Audient console mic pres
for connecting microphones to the device.
These are the same mic pres as used on our
renowned large format consoles so whether
you’re recording vocals or capturing a guitar
amp, you’re sure to get a pristine sound.
The Gain controls allows to set the amount
of input gain anywhere between 0 and 60dB
which is more than enough for even the
quietest of microphones.
Should your microphone require phantom
power. This can be engaged by pressing the
+48V buttons found on the rear of Sono.
Phantom power is independently switched
for each channel, allowing you to use a
condenser style microphone in one channel,
whilst also using a ribbon microphone, which
may be damaged by +48V phantom power, in
the second channel.
Please note that Sono can only accept two
inputs at one time. When a Guitar is plugged
into the guitar input, Mic 1 is switched out of
the signal path.
However, it is also possible for the signal from
Mic/Line 1 to be sent to the Guitar channel by
simply pressing the ‘To Valve’ button on the
rear of the unit.
This allows you to add valve warmth, use
the tone controls and utilise the Torpedo
Processing on a microphone or line signal.
This, for example, could be used to add grit to
a vocal or to add distortion to a synth.
Connecting External Pre-amps
If you wish to use an external guitar preamp
for a dierent tone than the one provided by
Sono then this can be connected to line input
Torpedo CAB processing can then be applied
to this input by pressing and holding the C.A.B
button for three seconds.
Sono oers three hardware presets which
allow you to store your three favourite Two
notes settings.
These can be selected by pressing the C.A.B
button and cycling through the A, B and C
settings, indicated by the three lights above
the buttons.
These are stored on the device itself meaning
you don’t need to be connected to a computer
to use these tones. Great for playing on the
road or on the stage!
The Torpedo processing can be turned on or
o at any time by simply pressing and holding
the C.A.B button.
Recording With Sono
Whilst playing through Sono, two copies of
your incoming signal can be captured, this will
be the signal that has been passed through
the Two notes Torpedo processing and a
version that has not.
The clean signal appears on input 3 in your
DAW which is also known as the No C.A.B
This would allow you to add processing later in
your DAW. Furthermore, should the situation
arise, you can also pass the dry signal out to a
real amplifier to be captured by a microphone,
also known a re-amping. While the cabinet
simulation on Sono sounds great, sometimes
you may just want the real thing!
Sono includes a re-amp output to facilitate this
which is explained in more depth on page 24.