Owner's Manual

Owner’s Manual
2x8 Distribution Amplifier
AtlasSound.com – 2 –
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
The Atlas Sound TSD-DA28 2x8 distribution amplifier is designed to provide clean, isolated signal
distribution locally or to remote locations. The unit allows two independent balanced line level source
inputs to be distributed to eight isolated variable outputs making it a perfect solution for applications
including convention centers, houses of worship, restaurants/sports bars and industrial facilities.
Isolation between outputs prevents crosstalk, removes miss matched input impedance concerns
and allows for adjustable levels on each connected device. All I/O is via Phoenix style connectors for
installation convenience and inputs may be easily paralleled for 1 in / 8 out configuration.
The TSD-DA28 is part of a full line of Atlas Sound Time Saving Devices. These compact (1.5" x 4" x 2.75")
units are designed to solve some of the common audio system problems in the easiest and in the
most efficient and cost-effective way. All models are made from high quality components and include
removable individual I/O connectors for quick and precise wiring, separate ground terminals for all
I/Os assuring secured connections, and removable level controls that can be replaced with
tamper-proof security covers. The TSDs are highly efficient and meet Energy Star™ standards as one
24V DC power supply (available separately) can power multiple Atlas Time Saving Devices.
ÊUÊTwo (2) Balanced Line Inputs
ÊUÊEight (8) Isolated Balanced Line Outputs
ÊUÊSignal & Peak Indicator LEDs For Each
ÊUÊHigh Gain Output for Driving Long
Balanced Lines
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