Product Manual

48 2022 2096 26
Instruction book
9 Instructions for use
Air receiver (tank-mounted units)
Corrosion must be prevented: depending on the conditions of use, condensate may
accumulate inside the tank and must be drained every day. This may be done
by opening the drain valve, or by means of the automatic drain, if fitted to the tank.
Nevertheless, a weekly check of correct functioning of the automatic valve is needed. This
has to be done by opening the manual drain valve and checking for condensate.
Periodical service inspection of the air receiver is needed, as internal corrosion can reduce
the steel wall thickness with the consequent risk of bursting. Local rules need to be
if applicable. The use of the air receiver is forbidden once the wall thickness reaches the
minimum value as indicated in the service manual of the air receiver (part of the
documentation delivered with the unit).
Lifetime of the air receiver mainly depends on the working environment. Avoid installing the
compressor in a dirty and corrosive environment, as this can reduce the vessel lifetime
Do not anchor the vessel or attached components directly to the ground or fixed structures.
Fit the pressure vessel with vibration dampers to avoid possible fatigue failure caused by
vibration of the vessel during use.
Use the vessel within the pressure and temperature limits stated on the nameplate and the
testing report.
No alterations must be made to this vessel by welding, drilling or other mechanical methods.