User's Manual

3. Utilities
ASUS SpaceLink 802.11g Access Point 29
Chapter 3 - Home Gateway Utilities
makes 128 bits (104 + 24). Some vendors refer to this level of WEP as 104
bits and others refer to this as 128 bits. ASUS SpaceLink products use the
term 128 bits when referring to this higher level of encryption.
Automatically generate four WEP keys. A WEP key is either 10 or 26
hexadecimal digits (0~9, a~f, and A~F) based on whether you select 64 bit
or 128 bit in the WEP pull-down menu. Type a combination of up to 64
letters, numbers, or symbols in the Magic Word column, then the SpaceLink
Home Gateway Manager uses an algorithm to generate four WEP keys for
encryption. If you want to type in the keys manually, leave this field blank.
The SpaceLink family of products all use the same algorithm to generate
the keys so that they can all use the same WEP key.
Note: This function eases users from having to remember their
passwords and is compatible to ASUS SpaceLink family of prod-
ucts. But this is not as secure as manual assignment.
At most four keys can be set. A WEP key is either 10 or 26 hexadecimal
digits (0~9, a~f, and A~F) based on whether you select 64 bit or 128 bit in
the WEP pull-down menu. The home gateway and ALL of its wireless clients
MUST have at least the same default key.
Default Key
The Default Key field lets you specify which of the four encryption keys
you use to transmit data on your wireless LAN. As long as the SpaceLink
Home Gateway or wireless mobile client with which you are communicating
has the same key in the same position, you can use any of the keys as the
default key. If the home gateway and ALL of its wireless clients use the
same four WEP keys, select “key rotation” to maximize security. Otherwise,
choose one key in common as the default key.