Configuration Guide

Chapter 1 Virtual Server Concept
1.1 Why Need Virtual Server?
The NAT (Network Address Translation) shared internet connection and
protect internal LAN, so it caused the server or host in LAN cannot be
accessed from WAN. And some on-line games, BT download need to mapping
the LAN port to WAN for accessing, but as normal, the access from WAN
would be blocked by router.
1.2 What Is Virtual Server?
Virtual Server (Port Mapping) is a feature for allowing the access from WAN to
LAN. When some clients try to access the server or host in LAN via WAN IP
address, the router will forward to the appointed server/host base on virtual
server setting, and the user cannot feel any difference.
Chapter 2 Which Ports Need To Be
2.1 Common Network Service
Service TCP UDP Notes
SSH 22 Secure Shell
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (e.g.
for web browsing).
HTTPs 443 secure HTTP (SSL)
LDAP 389 389
Lightweight Directory Access
SLP 427 427
Service Location Protocol
Used by Mac OS and NetWare.
LPD / printer 515 515
Printing LPD stands for Line Printer