Technical information

An Internet server is a server that handles all requests from the Internet (Intranet or Extranet). Usually, this type of server has the same characteristics as a normal file
server. The main difference is that an Internet server talks a different language (TCP/IP vs. NETBEUI or IPX/SPX) and often needs to do an extra security check
(Firewall). In the case of an Internet server, the server itself talks mostly to just one client, the Internet Service Provider (ISP), instead of many clients like a file server
With this in mind, the IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 was selected to provide an affordable price point for the growing Internet server market with two-way Pentium III
processing, 256 MB of system memory (expandable to 1 GB), and power protection with an APC Smart-UPS.
The network configuration depends on the method that will be used to connect the server to the Internet. Usually fast Ethernet routers are used, but if other methods
are used, you can add the appropriate adapter. The configuration includes a tape backup unit for secure backup of critical data in the event of a system or storage
File and Print Server
A small business or departmental server is usually required to perform all typical server functions while servicing up to 100 users in a normal workgroup computing
environment, but doesn’t require the high-end performance and fault tolerance properties of larger servers.
The sample configuration above consists of an IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 with 192 MB of memory and 54.6 GB of hard disk space. It has enough processor power and
memory to run most current network operating systems comfortably and enough hard disk drive space to store a significant amount of data with additional external
storage expansion still available. Demanding network traffic is effectively handled by the standard 100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
This configuration also includes a tape backup unit, monitor, and a UPS to keep the system protected during power surges and outages
Application Server
An application server differs from a file server and print server in that it has a higher workload, in providing application serving requirements for users. With this in
mind, the IBM Netfinity 3500 M10 was selected to provide an affordable price point for an application server, with two-way Pentium III processing, 256 MB of system
memory (expandable to 1 GB), and availibilty features such as RAID protected internal storage and power protection with an APC Smart-UPS.
Part Number Description Quantity
8655-11Y Netfinity 3500 M10 (Pentium III 500/64 MB/0 GB) 1
01K1131 128 MB 100 MHz ECC SDRAM DIMM
20L0554 18.2 GB Wide Ultra2 SCSI HDD
01K1325 20/40 GB 8-mm Internal SCSI Tape Drive 1
65464AN G54 Color Monitor 15” (348 mm, 13.7” Viewable Image Size) stealth black 1
94G3134 APC Smart-UPS 700 1
1. For a total of 192 MB of system memory.
2. For a total of 54.6 GB of internal storage.
Part Number Description Quantity
8655-32Y Netfinity 3500 M10 (Pentium III 600/128 MB/9.1 GB) 1
33L5106 Netfinity 600 MHz/512 KB Upgrade with Pentium III Processor 1
01K1132 256 MB 100 MHz ECC SDRAM Registered DIMM
01K7364 Netfinity ServeRAID-3L Ultra2 SCSI Adapter 1
36L9636 Netfinity Two-Drop Internal SCSI Cable 1
20L0553 9.1 GB Wide Ultra2 SCSI HDD
01K1319 10/20 GB NS Internal SCSI Tape Drive 1
65464AN G54 Color Monitor 15” (348 mm, 13.7” Viewable Image Size), stealth black 1
94G3134 APC Smart-UPS 700 1
1. For a total of 256 MB of registered system memory. Requires removal of standard memory.
2. For a total of 27.3 GB of internal storage .