User Manual

• Trigger Port: Specify a trigger port to open the incoming port.
• Protocol: Select the protocol, TCP, or UDP.
• Incoming Port: Specify an incoming port to receive inbound
data from the Internet.
• Protocol: Select the protocol, TCP, or UDP.
• WhenconnectingtoanIRCserver,aclientPCmakesanoutgoing
connection using the trigger port range 66660-7000. The IRC server
responds by verifying the username and creating a new connection
to the client PC using an incoming port.
• IfPortTriggerisdisabled,therouterdropstheconnectionbecause
it is unable to determine which PC is requesting for IRC access.
When Port Trigger is enabled, the router assigns an incoming port to
receive the inbound data. This incoming port closes once a specic
time period has elapsed because the router is unsure when the
application has been terminated.
• Porttriggeringonlyallowsoneclientinthenetworktousea
particular service and a specic incoming port at the same time.
• Youcannotusethesameapplicationtotriggeraportinmorethan
one PC at the same time. The router will only forward the port back
to the last computer to send the router a request/trigger.
4.3.3 Virtual Server/Port Forwarding
Port forwarding is a method to direct network trac from the
Internet to a specic port or a specic range of ports to a device
or number of devices on your local network. Setting up Port
Forwarding on your router allows PCs outside the network to
access specic services provided by a PC in your network.