User Manual

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華碩 RS720A-E9-RS24-E 使用手冊
PSP Boot
PSP Boot Loader
phase (Status Post
0xA0 Progress Bootloader successfully entered C Main
0xA1 Progress Master initialized C2P / slave waited for master to init C2P
0xA2 Progress HMAC key successfully derived
0xA3 Progress Master got Boot Mode and sent boot mode to all slaves
Progress SpiRom successfully initialized
0xA5 Progress BIOS Directory successfully read from SPI to SRAM
0xA6 Progress Early unlock check
0xA7 Progress Inline Aes key successfully derived
0xA8 Progress Inline-AES key programming is done
Progress Inline-AES key wrapper derivation is done
0xAA Progress Bootloader successfully loaded HW IP conguration values
0xAB Progress Bootloader successfully programmed MBAT table
0xAC Progress Bootloader successfully loaded SMU FW
0xAD Progress PSP and SMU congured WAFL
0xAE Progress User mode test harness completed successfully
0xAF Progress Bootloader loaded Agesa0 from SpiRom
0xB0 Progress AGESA phase has completed
0xB1 Progress RunPostDramTrainingTests() completed successfully
0xB2 Progress SMU FW Successfully loaded to SMU Secure DRAM
0xB3 Progress Sent all required boot time messages to SMU
0xB4 Progress Validated and ran Security Gasket binary
0xB5 Progress UMC Keys generated and programmed
0xB6 Progress Inline AES key wrapper stored in DRAM
0xB7 Progress Completed FW Validation step
0xB8 Progress Completed FW Validation step
0xB9 Progress BIOS copy from SPI to DRAM complete
0xBA Progress Completed FW Validation step
0xBB Progress BIOS load process fully complete
0xBC Progress Bootloader successfully release x86
0xBD Progress Early Secure Debug completed
0xBE Progress GetFWVersion command received from BIOS is completed
0xBF Progress SMIInfo command received from BIOS is completed
0xC0 Progress Successfully entered WarmBootResume()
0xC1 Progress Successfully copied SecureOS image to SRAM
0xC2 Progress Successfully copied trustlets to PSP Secure Memory
0xC3 Progress About to jump to Secure OS (SBL about to copy and jump)
0xC4 Progress Successfully restored CCP and UMC state on S3 resume
0xC5 Progress PSP SRAM HMAC validated by Mini BL
0xC6 Progress About to jump to <t-base in Mini BL
0xC7 Progress VMG ECDH unit test started
0xC8 Progress VMG ECDH unit test passed
0xC9 Progress VMG ECC CDH primitive unit test started
0xCA Progress VMG ECC CDH primitive unit test passed
0xCB Progress VMG SP800-108 KDF-CTR HMAC unit test started
0xCC Progress VMG SP800-108 KDF-CTR HMAC unit test passed
0xCD Progress VMG LAUNCH_* test started
0xCE Progress VMG LAUNCH_* test passed
0xCF Progress MP1 has been taken out of reset
0xD0 Progress PSP and SMU Reserved Addresses correct
0xD1 Progress Reached Naples steady-state WFI loop
0xD2 Progress Knoll device successfully initialized
0xD3 Progress 32-byte RandOut successfully returned from Knoll
0xD4 Progress 32-byte MAC successfully received from Knoll.
0xD5 Progress Knoll device veried successfully
0xD6 Progress Done enabling power for Knoll
0xD7 Progress Enter recovery mode due to trustlet validation fail.
0xD8 Progress Enter recovery mode due to OS validation fail.
0xD9 Progress Enter recovery mode due to OEM public key not found.