User Manual

Table Of Contents
PSP Boot
PSP Boot Loader
phase (Error Post
0x60 Error VMG Storage Init failed
0x61 Error Failure in mbedTLS user app
0x62 Error An error occured whilst attempting to SMN map a fuse register
0x63 Error Fuse burn sequence/operation failed due to internal SOC error
0x64 Error Fuse sense operation timed out
0x65 Error Fuse burn sequence/operation timed out waiting for burn done
0x66 Error Failure status indicating that the given SecureOS has been
0x67 Error This PSP FW was revoked
0x68 Error
The platform model/vendor id fuse is not matching the BIOS public
key token
0x69 Error The BIOS OEM public key of the BIOS was revoked for this platform
0x6A Error PSP level 2 directory not match expected value.
0x6B Error BIOS level 2 directory not match expected value.
0x6C Error
HVB validation failure for BIOS RTM volume (OEM public/signature
failed to validate).
0x6D Error Generic error indicating the CCP HAL initialization failed
0x94 Error Knoll failed to idle correctly after being reset
0x95 Error Bad status returned by I2CKnollCheck
0x96 Error NACK to general call (no device on Knoll I2C bus)
0x97 Error Null pointer passed to I2CKnollCheck
0x98 Error Invalid device-ID found during Knoll authentication
0x99 Error Error during Knoll/Prom key derivation
0x9A Error Null pointer passed to Crypto function
0x9B Error Error in checksum from wrapped Knoll/Prom keys
0x9C Error Knoll returned an invalid response to a command
0x9D Error Bootloader failed in Knoll Send Command function
0x9E Error No Knoll device found by verifying MAC
(continued on the next page)