
ASUS RS161-E5/PA2 5-27
The following items appear when you enable the Smart Fan Control feature.
CPU1/CPU2 Target Temperature [85]
Allows you to set the CPU target temperature.
Conguration options: [40] [45] [50] [55] [60] [65] [70] [75] [80] [85]
System1 Target Temperature [70]
Allows you to set the system target temperature.
Conguration options: [40] [45] [50] [55] [60] [65] [70] [75] [80] [85]
VCORE1 Voltage, VCORE2 Voltage, 3V Voltage, 5V Voltage,
5VSB Voltage, VBAT Voltage, 12V Voltage, VTT, VSEN1/2
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage output through
the onboard voltage regulators. The VCORE2 item shows N/A if no processor is
installed in CPU2 socket.