User’s Manual

ASUS IPMI Expansion Card
Problem Solution
Some sensors are not creating event
logs, even after the Sensors have been
1. The UNC/UC/UNR of the fan will not
create an event log when the rotation
speed exceeds the upper threshold
2. The temperature’s LNR / LC / LNC
will not create an event log when the
temperature drops below the lower
3. You can view the UNR / LNR values
of the sensors, but no event log will be
created if the sensor’s UNR exceeds the
upper threshold or if the sensor’s LNR
drops below the lower threshold.
Some items do not display any information
when viewing the FRU information.
FRU information can be written using
IPMITool commands, for more information on
IPMITool commands, please refer to 3.5 FRU
Information or the Appendix.
The firewall is not functioning according
to the settings configured.
Make sure to set the BMC system time
before configuring the firewall. This will
ensure the date and time of the configured
firewall rule is working properly.
Any precautions before using the
firmware update function?
1. You may choose between overriding
all configurations, preserving all
configurations, or selecting and
editing specific options as preserved
configurations when using the firmware
update function:
- (default) Uncheck Preserve all
Configurations to override all
configurations when updating the
- Check Preserve all Configurations
to preserve all configurations
when updating the firmware. The
configurations will not be updated.
- Edit and select specific items to be
preserved when updating the firmware.
2. Some functions may have incomplete
functionality due to it not being updated if
Preserve all Configurations is checked,
or if the item was selected to be preserved
when updating the firmware,
3. You can compare the current version and
the uploaded version then select which
sections to update or check update all on
the section firmware update page.
(continued on the next page)