User Manual

Intel W790 Series BIOS Manual
The following item appears only when CPU Core Ratio is set to [Sync All Cores].
ALL-Core Ratio Limit
The N-core ratio limit must be higher than or equal to the (N+1)-core ratio limit. (N stands for
the number of CPU cores) The core ratio limit cannot be set to [Auto] when the core number
is lower than N. The biggest core’s ratio limit must be lower than or equal to the second
biggest core’s ratio limit. Use the <+> or <-> to adjust the value.
Configuration options: [Auto] [8] - [140]
The following item appears only when CPU Core Ratio is set to [By Core Usage].
By Core Usage
Turbo Ratio Limit 1-8
User defined Ratio for TurboRatioLimits.
Configuration options: [Auto] [26] - [140]
Turbo Ratio Cores 1-8
User defined core# for TurboRatioLimits.
Configuration options: [Auto] [1] - [20]
The following item appears only when CPU Core Ratio is set to [Auto], [Sync All Cores],
or [By Core Usage].
Specific Core
Core0-35 Specific Ratio Limit
Configure a ratio limit for certain CPU Cores. Use the <+> or <-> to adjust the value.
Configuration options: [Auto] [8] - [120]
CPU Core0-35 specific Voltage
Allows configuration of the voltage supply to the CPU cores. Setting to
[Auto] will
scale voltage according to the applied CPU core ratio. Do not confuse this setting with
VCCIN (CPU Input voltage).
Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual Mode] [Adaptive Mode]
The following item appears only when Performance Core0-5 specific Voltage is set to
[Manual Mode].
CPU Core-0-35 Voltage Override
Allows configuration of the CPU core voltage. Use the <+> or <-> to adjust the value.
The values range from 0.600V to 1.700V with an interval of 0.001V.
Configuration options: [Auto] [0.00600] - [1.70000]
You need to save the changes and reset the system for the changes to take effect.