User Manual

500 Series BIOS Manual
AIO PUMP Step Up/Down
Allows you to set the value of AIO PUMP fan step up/down.
Conguration options: [0 sec] [12 sec] [25 sec] [51 sec] [76 sec] [102 sec] [127 sec]
[153 sec] [178 sec] [204 sec]
AIO PUMP Speed Low Limit
Allows you to set the lower speed limit for AIO PUMP fan. A warning message will
appear when the limit is reached. When set to [Ignore], no future warning message
will appear. Conguration options: [Ignore] [200 RPM] [300 RPM] [400 RPM] [500
RPM] [600 RPM]
The following items appear only when you set AIO PUMP Profile to [Manual].
Use the <+> and <-> keys to adjust the value or directly key in a desired value within
the valid range for each of the items below.
AIO PUMP Upper Temperature
Allows you to set the upper limit of AIO PUMP temperature. AIO PUMP fan
will operate at the maximum duty cycle when the source temperature reaches
the limit. Conguration options: [0] – [100]
The upper temperature cannot be lower than the lower temperature.
AIO PUMP Max. Duty Cycle (%)
Allows you to set the maximum fan duty cycle and the source temperature
upper limit. When the source temperature reaches the upper limit, AIO PUMP
fan will operate at the maximum duty cycle. Conguration options: [60] – [100]
AIO PUMP Middle Temperature
Allows you to set the middle temperature. AIO PUMP fan will operate at
the middle duty cycle when the source temperature is higher than the limit.
Conguration options: [0] – [100]
AIO PUMP Middle Duty Cycle (%)
Allows you to set the middle fan duty cycle and the source temperature upper
limit. When the source temperature reaches the middle limit, AIO PUMP fan
will operate at the middle duty cycle. Conguration options: [60] – [100]
AIO PUMP Lower Temperature
Allows you to set the lower temperature. AIO PUMP fan will operate at the
minimum duty cycle when the source temperature is lower than the limit.
Conguration options: [0] – [100]
AIO PUMP Min Duty Cycle (%)
Allows you to set the minimum fan duty cycle. When the temperature is lower
than the lower limit, AIO PUMP fan will operate at the minimum duty cycle.
Conguration options: [60] – [100]
Chassis Intrusion Detection Support
This item allows you to enable or disable the chassis intrusion detection function.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
CPU Temperature LED Switch
This item allows you to enable or disable the CPU Temperature LED to light up to indication
high CPU temperature. Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]