- AsusTek Computer V-Series P5V900 PC (Desktop Barebone)

5 - 2 2 C h a p t e r 5 : B I O S s e t u p
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Item Specic Help
Plug & Play O/S [No]
Resources Controlled By [Auto]
x IRQ Resources
Assign IRQ For VGA [Enabled]
** PCI Express relative items **
Maximum Payload Size [4096]
Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility
5 . 4 . 3 P C I P n P
P l u g & P l a y O / S [ N o ]
When set to [No], the BIOS congures all the devices in the system.
When set to [Yes] and if you install a Plug and Play operating system, the
operating system congures the Plug and Play devices not required for
boot. Conguration options: [No] [Yes]