User’s Manual

Notebook PC User Manual
USB Interface Security
To lock the USB interface:
1. On the Security screen, select I/O Interface Security > USB
Interface Security.
2. Select an interface you would like to lock and click Lock.
The USB Interface Security settings can only be altered when you
log in with Administrator privilege.
If you set USB Interface to [Lock], External Ports and CMOS
Camera will be locked and hidden simultaneously.
Ver si on 2 .0 1. 1208. Co py ri gh t (C ) 2011 Ame ri ca n Me ga trend s, Inc.
A pt io Setup U ti li ty - C opyright ( C) 2 01 1 Ameri can Mega tr en ds , In c.
S ec ur ity
U SB I nt er face Sec ur it y
U SB I nt er face [Un Lo ck ]
E xt er na l Ports [Un Lo ck ]
B lu et oo th [Un Lo ck ]
C MO S Ca me ra [ Un Lo ck ]
USB I nt er fa ce
Loc k
UnL oc k