User’s Manual
Table Of Contents
- 本マニュアルについて
- Chapter 1: ハードウェアのセットアップ
- Chapter 2: ノートPCを使用する
- Chapter 3: Windows® 10環境で使用する
- Chapter 4: Power-On Self-Test (POST)
- Chapter 5: FAQとヒント
- Chapter 6: 付録
- DVD-ROM Drive Information
- 内蔵モデムの適応規格 (規格/プロトコルなど原文掲載)
- Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement
- FCC Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Caution Statement
- UL Safety Notices
- Power Safety Requirement
- TV Notices
- Macrovision Corporation Product Notice
- Nordic Lithium Cautions (for lithium-ion batteries)
- CTR 21 Approval (for Notebook PC with built-in Modem)
- Declaration of Compliance for Product Environmental Regulation
- EU REACH and Article 33
- Japan JIS-C-0950 Material Declarations
- Ecodesign Directive
- EPEAT Registered Products
- Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity
- 電気・電子機器に含有される化学物質の表示について 
- 回収とリサイクルについて
- 筐体のコーティングについて
- 日本国内での無線周波数帯のご利用について
- 聴覚障害を防ぐため
ノートPC ユーザーマニュアル 81
Region Denitions
Region 1
Canada, US, US Territories
Region 2
Czech, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Gulf States, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Iraq,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Scotland,
South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, UK, Greece, Former
Yugoslav Republics, Slovakia
Region 3
Burma, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand,
Region 4
Australia, Caribbean (Except US Territories), Central America, New Zealand, Pacic
Islands, South America
Region 5
CIS, India, Pakistan, Rest of Africa, Russia, North Korea
Region 6