Installation Guide

2.4 DirectX
is a group of application program interface (API) and libraries for
creating and managing graphic images and multimedia effects in
applications such as games or active web pages that will run in Microsoft
Windows operating systems.
1. Insert the support CD into your
CD-ROM drive.
2. If autorun is enabled, the 2D/3D
Graphics & Video Accelerator
appears automatically.
If autorun is disabled, run
Setup.exe from the root directory
of your support CD.
3. From the 2D/3D Graphics &
Video Accelerator main menu,
click Drivers.
4. Click the DirectX Install button
from the Drivers dialog box to
copy the necessary files to your
5. When Setup has finished
installing all the necessary files to
your computer, it prompts you to
restart your computer. Click OK.
To install DirectX