User's Manual

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Forward/Backward Trim
If your Cloud Force drifts forward while in the
air, push and release the BACKWARD TRIM button
back repeatedly until the motion stops and proper
flight is maintained (see diagram L).
If your Cloud Force drifts backwards, push and
release the FORWARD TRIM button forward in
the same manner until the problem is resolved.
Bank Right/Left Trim
If your Cloud Force drifts left while in the
air, push and release the RIGHT TRIM button back
repeatedly until the motion stops and proper flight
is maintained (see diagram M).
If your Cloud Force drifts right, push and
release the LEFT TRIM button in the same manner
until the problem is resolved.
Spin Left Trim
If your Cloud Force spins left while in the
air, push and release the RIGHT SPIN TRIM button
back repeatedly until the motion stops and proper
flight is maintained (see diagram N).
Spin Right Trim
If your Cloud Force spins right while in the
air, push and release the LEFT SPIN TRIM button in
the same manner until the problem is resolved
(see diagram O).
NOTE: The Cloud Force is already properly trimmed and calibrated right out of the box and should not
require any trim adjustments before flying. Some more experienced pilots may want to adjust trim settings
for their style of flying. After several crashes you may need to adjust trim settings for the Cloud Force to be
more balanced.
NOTE: The use of the Trim buttons utilizes sounds. A single long Beep indicates the product is
center trimmed. Continuous long Beeps indicate the product is trimmed to the maximum on a
particular side.
NOTE: Your Cloud Force comes pre-calibrated out of the box so you are ready to fly.
After several crashes and shock to your gyro sensors, you may notice that your drone is drifting and not
holding its center position as well as it used to.
This most likely means that you need to recalibrate the 6 axis gyro. Please follow the simple instructions
1. Place the Cloud Force on a flat ground or any other flat stable surface.
2. Make sure the Cloud Force is on and that the controller is synced (refer to syncing pg 4. ). Do not start
the blades. Instead move both the throttle and control stick down and to the left corner and hold them
there for 5 seconds(See Diagram P). You will see the lights on the drone rapidly flash and stop. Once the
lights stop flashing you have completed your calibration and are ready to fly!
TROUBLE SHOOTING: If you do not see the lights flash, turn off your controller take out the battery in the
Drone and Start again. Always make sure to put your battery in first, then turn on your controller. Push the
left throttle stick up all the way and then pull back down again. When you hear the beep the Cloud Force is
synced to the controller and you are ready to calibrate.