User Guide / Owners Manual

1: Category / Param and
Preset / Value encoders
The Category/Param encoder selects filter options
for the Analog Lab preset list. In Edit mode it
selects an item parameter.
The Preset/Value encoder selects the preset from
the filtered Presets list. In Edit mode it adjusts the
value of the parameter that has been selected in
the display.
After making a selection with one of those
encoders, click it to confirm your selection.
2:Edit Parameters / Snapshots
/ Switches
In Edit mode these select parameter groups. Use
the Param / Value encoders to edit them.
Use with Analog Lab to recall favorite presets
Use the MIDI Control Center software to alter the
buttons’ assignments for other MIDI applications.
3: Transport buttons
These buttons are used to control an external
hardware or software sequencer through standard
MMC messages: Start, Stop, Record, Rewind, Fast
Forward and Loop on/off.
4: LCD screen
32-character LCD screen.
5: Sound/Multi/Edit buttons
The Sound/Multi buttons allow selection of those
modes in Analog Lab.
The Edit button places the KeyLab in edit mode for
advanced editing of the controls.
6: Volume encoder
The Volume encoder controls the master volume of
Analog Lab.
7: Bank buttons
The Bank buttons will toggle between two sets of
controller assignments for both the Encoders and
the Faders.
8: Encoders
These encoders are pre-assigned to control the
synthesis parameters in Analog Lab, and may be
configured to control any other device.
9: Faders
These are pre-assigned to control the synthesis
parameters in Analog Lab, and may be configured
to control any other device.
10: Octave up/down buttons
Will transpose the KeyLab in octave increments.
The LED rate indicates the distance from middle C.
For chromatic transposition, see section
11: Pitch bend/Mod wheel
These are used to alter the pitch bend and
modulation amounts in real time.
12: Pads
(KeyLab 49/61/88 only)
In Analog Lab these are used to trigger chords,
which are defined in Chord mode. They are
velocity- and pressure-sensitive, and can be
assigned to handle a number of other functions
using the MIDI Control Center software.