User Manual

Roller Swing Mode’ preference let you choose between dotted notes or triplet notes.
The ROLLER can be LATCHED on by pressing and holding SELECT + ROLLER button. Now
any pad you play will have the roll effect played. This is a great way to enter notes into a
On the Roller, other functions are available to control the selected instrument main
Pressing Roller button once will set the pad to control the Roller.
Pressing Roller once again will set the pad to control Cutoff and resonance on the
selected instrument.
Pressing Roller once again will set the pad to control Aux1 and Aux2 on the
selected instrument.
Pressing Roller once again will set the pad to control Volume and Pan on the
selected instrument.
Pressing Roller button once again will set the pad to control the Roller again.
5.3.7 The Instrument control zone
The instrument control zone is made up of: The Instrument pads
There are 16 Instrument pads but only 8 of them are shown on SPARK's interface. To
navigate to the next set of 8, click on the 1-8/9-16 button.
An instrument is assigned to each pad. The far left pad is by default the Bass Drum, next
to it is the Snare drum, and so on; but you can of course personalize this arrangement.
To edit an instrument, right click on the pad, and then Click on edit. This will take you to
the "STUDIO" bottom panel where you will be able to edit a full array of instrument
parameters. (See section 5.6 The Studio).
Tune mode
Alternatively, you can use Pads for the pitch of the current instrument when setting Tune
mode to ‘on’. Hold Select button and press step sequencer 13 to enter Tune mode.
You can now use the pads as a keyboard to play notes on the current instrument. You
can play 16 semi-tones using the 1-8 / 9-16 button: